Senior Source Consulting Group

Sales & Marketing Solutions to Close Performance Gaps

SeniorSource Consulting Group

senior source consulting group, senior living consultants, offers a free gap analysis to help clients uncover opportunities.

Gap Analysis  

A gap in performance is the difference between where your communities are and where you'd like them to be.

The gap represents an opportunity to achieve more. The gap can serve as a great motivator. Engage the SSCG team to identify the gaps that might exist while outlining the action steps that can close those gaps for better performance. 

Across America, prospects contact senior living communities every day. Prospects "tour."  Salespeople call to "follow up." But oftentimes, prospects walk away with no better understanding of what makes a community special or how the community will meet their needs. Families know their current situation is not working and that they desire a way to make things better, but many interactions with senior living sales teams don't leave a prospect with a clear understanding of how a move will help them sleep better at night. 

In this scenario, the gap between the prospect and a senior living solution is deep and wide.

Is the Customer Experience where it needs to be to create trust and confidence? Is the team demonstrating they can deliver on promises?Is your sales team creating real solution for each family or merely providing an "over here" tour? 

If prospect tours are not resulting in a sale, let us help you identify the reason behind the gap between Inquiry and Move-In. 

The experienced senior living professionals at Senior Source Consulting Group can help identify opportunities, and more importantly, provide action steps to close the gap.

At Senior Source Consulting Group (SSCG), we work with our clients on a very individualized basis, helping to explore possibilities. That is why we introduced the process we call the Gap Analysis as a tool to help discuss a client's situation, uncover needs and desired goals, to create a plan to identify top areas of opportunity and focus.

It is a free assessment conducted by one of our senior consultants, designed to encourage dialogue and thinking. Your company and communities are already doing so many things well, but where are those needs, those gaps in performance that would benefit from additional attention?  With focused research, planning, and action steps, could those performance gaps be filled? Would your community enjoy higher sales, more robust lead generation, greater occupancy levels, and better overall financial performance?

Come to us with an open mind, and we will use a series of probing questions to help you discover areas where you could achieve more. In a very collaborative way, we will help you define these opportunities; establish key focus areas, and formulate a plan to help achieve desired outcomes. The process will encourage you and your team to build on your strengths, conquer your fears, and seek greatness.

Our goal is to make the Gap Analysis conversation painless and productive. We might even have a little fun along the way. Let 's get started today!  

Schedule a Gap Analysis Call today to discuss goals for your project

Work with Senior Source Consulting Group, your strategic partner, to help identify and eliminate dangerous blind spots.